World Wide Web Links


Ecosystem Management

Bureau of Land Management Ecosystem Management Website This website provides a basic introduction to ecosystem management. It is intended for high school teachers as an educational tool.

Ecological Society of America's Ecosystem Management Report This is a committee report produced by the ESA addressing the scientific foundations for ecosystem management.

University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment This website contains a wide variety of source material on ecosystem management, ranging from journal references to ecosystem management projects.


Systems Theory

The Principia Cybernetica Project The Principia Cybernetica website is an encyclopedic source of information about systems thinking, cybernetics, and related fields of enquiry. The link provided here goes directly to the webpage describing the basic concepts of the systems approach.


Landscape Approach

The Great Restoration Project This website describes a strategy to protect the world's forests that concentrates wood fiber production into small, intensively managed areas and sets aside the remaining forests for environmental services such as biodiversity and carbon sequestration.


Montreal Process and Sustainable Forest Management

Montreal Process Working Group Website This website describes in detail the criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management adopted by the Montreal Process Working Group as well as a short history of the Montreal Process Working Group and its objectives.

The United Kingdom's Forestry Standard This is an Adobe Acrobat document displayed in the UK Forestry Commission's website. It describes the national forest management objectives and links them to other international sustainable forest management criteria and indicators (e.g., Helsinki Guidelines, Pan-European Criteria).


Landscape Management System (LMS)

LMS Homepage The LMS website provides information about the Landscape Management Project at the Silviculture Lab, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington. The most up-to-date version of LMS can be downloaded from this site. In addition, examples of LMS applications and a web-based LMS tutorial can be found here.