Stand Grouping for Satsop Forest

To reduce the complexity of the forest for initial management alternative creation using the "Toggle Program" it is necessary to create groups of stands based on similar ecological characteristics. These "eco-groups" are determined during the scoping process. In the case of Satsop Forest there were no clear grouping criteria other than species composition and age. This fit well with the cover type criteria for the Satsop HEP which provided the grouping criteria. Stands were grouped by the HEP cover types, as estimated using the HEP cover type rules and the 1998 Satsop Forest inventory resulting in 8 groups: C1, C2, C4, C4T, H2, H3, M2, and M3.

From each of these an "average" stand, with as many attributes as possible being close to the arithmetic mean of each attribute, is selected to represent each group for analyses using LMS and the "Toggle Program". Below are links to descriptions of each representative stand and locations of all the stands in each group on Satsop Forest.

Representative Stand
Location Map

Updated 7 May, 2002 by Kevin Ceder