Overall Goal
Suggested Overall Goal for the Satsop Forest Management Plan

The Satsop Forest will be managed for the intent of long term sustainability of many important environmental and social values.

To be robust in these values and consistent with others considering forest sustainability, the Satsop forest will rely on the criteria established by the Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests (commonly known as the "Montreal Process" Working Group) initiated by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNICED) held in Rio de Janiero in June, 1992.

The seven specific "Criteria for Sustainable Forestry" established by this group will be considered as objectives, with specifics (indicators of sustainability) adjusted to the area. The seven criteria are summarized below.

For more information, see the Satsop Forest Management website, to be opened soon. For more information on the "Montreal Process", see http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/mpci/

In addition to the overall goals for sustainability there is a goal of mitigating for wildlife habitat losses due to construction of the Satsop Nuclear Power Plant. A wildlife mitigation plan is currently in place on Satsop Forest. This was crafted as an attempt to replace as much of the lost wildlife habitat as possible. This will be used as a baseline for analyzing potential habitat changes caused by possible forest management.

Updated 18/12/2000 by Kevin "thujaman" Ceder