Landscape Management System (LMS)

LMS 3.x

LMS Lite

LMS 2.x

LMS 1.x

Decision Analysis Tools

The following Decision Analysis tools have been developed for use as companion programs to the Landscape Management System. These tools were developed to aid the analysis of multiple management objectives using the rational iterative approach. They are prototypes implemented in Microsoft Excel.



Update Scope&Group spreadsheet (6/10/2003)

Scope&Group Tutorial


The Scope&Group tutorual describes how to use the spreadhseet to classify the landscape area and how to insert data from an LMS portfolio


Updated Toggle spreadsheet (6/10/2003)

Toggle tutorial


The Toggle tutorial describes how to use the toggle spreadsheet and insert data from LMS.




Scope&Group spreadsheet for Pack Forest. This copy of the Scope&Group program is pre-loaded with stand and inventory summary information. This copy of the spreadsheet can be used for other areas by replacing the data in the InsertData sheet, and then running the macros. See the Scope&Group tutorial for more information.



Toggle spreadsheet for Pack Forest. This copy of the Toggle program is loaded with simulations for representative stands within the forest. See the Toggle Tutorial for information on using and inserting other simulations into the Toggle program. NOTE: This is an older style toggle spreadsheet and may not work on all computers.


Page Updated:
May 30, 2011 11:28 AM

University of Washington
College of the Environment

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Yale School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies,
Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry

Cradle of Forestry
in America

USDA Forest Service