LMS Publication Page
The following publications are from the Landscape Management Project and associated work.
- Baker, P.J.,
and J.S. Wilson. 2000. A quantitative technique for the identification
of canopy stratification in tropical and temperate forests. Forest
Ecology and Management 127:77-86. View
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- Bormann, B.T.,
M.H. Brookes, E.D. Ford, A.R. Kiester, C.D. Oliver, and J.F. Weigand.
1993. A broad, strategic framework for sustainable-ecosystem management.
Volume V of Eastside Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment. A Broad,
Strategic Framework for Sustainable-Ecosystem Management. USDA Forest
Service, National Forest System, Forest Service Research, Wenatchee,
- Camp, A., C.
Oliver, P. Hessburg, and R. Everett. 1997. Predicting late-successional
fire refugia pre-dating European settlement in the Wenatchee Mountains.
Forest Ecology and Management 95: 63-77.
- Carey, A.B.,
C. Elliott, B.R. Lippke, J. Sessions, C.J. Chambers, C.D. Oliver,
J.F. Franklin, and M.G. Raphael. 1996. Washington Forest Landscape
Management Project--A pragmatic ecological approach to small-landscape
management. Report No. 2, Washington State Department of Natural
Resources, Washington Forest Landscape Management Project. Published
by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. 99pp.
- Christensen, G. A., J. Barbour, and S. Johnston. 2004. A Method to Simulate the Volume and Quality of Wood Produced Under an Ecologically Sustainable Landscape Management Plan. In Gucinski, H, Miner, C, and Bittner, B. (editors) Proceedings of Views From the Ridge -- Considerations for Planning at the Landscape Scale. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-596. 110-117.
- Hanley, D.P.,
C.D.Oliver, D.Maguire, and R.Fight (editors). 1995. Pruning Conifers
in Northwestern North America: Opportunities, Techniques, and Impacts.
University of Washington, Institute of Forest Resources Contribution
No.77. 403 pp.
- Larsen, D.R.
1997. Simulated long-term effects of the MOFEP cutting treatments.
In Brookshire, B.L. and S.R. Shifley (eds) Proceedings of the Missouri
Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project Symposium: an experimental approach
to landscape research. USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Experiment
Station. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-GTR-193. p. 347-355.
- Lippke, B., and
C.D. Oliver. 1993. How can management for wildlife habitat, biodiversity,
and other values be most cost-effective? Journal of Forestry. 91:
- Lippke, B. and
C. Oliver. 1993. An economic tradeoff system for ecosystem mangement.
In: (M.E. Jensen and P.S. Bourgeron, editors) Eastside Forest Ecosystem
Health Assessment. Volume II. Ecosystem Management: Principles and
Applications. USDA Forest Service, National Forest System, Forest
Service Research, Wenatchee, Washington.
- Mason, C.L., B.R. Lippke, K.W. Zobrist, T.D. Bloxton Jr., K.R. Ceder, J.M. Comnick, J.B. McCarter, and H.K. Rogers. 2006. Investments in Fuel Removals to Avoid Forest Fires Result in Substantial Benefits. Journal of Forestry 104(1):27-31.
- Marzluff, J.
M., J. J. Millspaugh, K. R. Ceder, C. D. Oliver, J. Whithey, J. B.
McCarter, C. L. Mason, and J. Comnick. 2002. Modeling changes in
wildlife habitat and timber revenues in response forest management.
Forest Science 48:191-202.
- McCarter, J.B.,
J.S. Wilson, P.J. Baker, J.L. Moffett, and C.D. Oliver. 1998. Landscape
management through integration of existing tools and emerging technologies.
Journal of Forestry. June 1998:17-23.
- McCarter, J.M.,
J.S. Wilson, C.D. Oliver, and S. D. Stinson. (in review). Decision
process for stand and landscape management using the Landscape Management
System. For inclusion in: Wildlife habitats and species associations
of Oregon and Washington building a common understanding for
management. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Olympia,
- Moffett, J.L.
and J.E. Besag. 1996. Spatial and probabilistic classification of
forest structures using Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Fort Collins. USDA
Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Gen.Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-277.
p. 493-500.
- OHara,
K.L., and C. D. Oliver. In press. A decision system for assessing
stand differentiation potential and prioritizing precommercial thinning
treatments. Western Journal of Applied Forestry.
- Oliver, C.D.
in press. Adjusting to changes in forestry using a landscape approach.
Invited paper presented at the opening ceremony for the academic
year of the University of Istanbul Faculty of Forestry. To be published
in English and Turkish as a Faculty of Forestry Publication.
- Oliver, C.D.
1999. The future of forest management industry: highly mechanized
plantations and reserves or a knowledge intensive integrated approach.
The Foresty Chronicle. 75:1-17.
- Oliver, C.D.
1992. A landscape approach: achieving and maintaining biodiversity
and economic productivity. Journal of Forestry. 90(9): 20-25.
- Oliver, C.D.
1992. Enhancing biodiversity and economic productivity through a
systems approach to silviculture. The Silviculture Conference. Forestry
Canada, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada: 287-293.
- Oliver, C.D.,
A.Camp, and A.Osawa. 1998. Forest dynamics and resulting animal and
plant population changes at the stand and landscape levels. Journal
of Sustainable Forestry 6(3/4) 1998:281-312.
- Oliver, C.D.,
D.E. Ferguson, A.E. Harvey, H.S. Malany, J.M. Mandzak, and R.W. Mutch.
1994. Managing ecosystems for forest health: an approach and the
effects on uses and values. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2(1/2):
113-133. (Also published as chapter in book entitled: Assessing Forest
Ecosystem Health in the Inland West)
- Oliver, C.D.,
C. Harrington, M.Bickford, R. Gara, W. Knapp, G. Lightner, and L.Hicks.
1994. Maintaining and creating old growth structural features in
previously disturbed stands typical of the eastern Washington Cascade.
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2(3/4): 353-387. (Also published
as chapter in book entitled: Assessing Forest Ecosystem Health in
the Inland West).
- Oliver, C.D.
and B.C. Larson. 1996. Forest Stand Dynamics. Update Edition. John
Wiley and Sons, New York. 521 pp.
- Roth, Paul A, James C. Finley, Kevin W. Zobrist, and David M. Baumgartner. 2006. Computer Technology Helps Family Forest Owners in Pensylvania and Washington. Journal of Forestry. 104(3): 132-135.
- Wilson, J.S.,
and P.J. Baker. 1998. Mitigating fire risk in late-successional forest
reserves on the east slope of the Washington Cascade Range, USA.
Forest Ecology and Management 110:59-75.
- Wilson, J.S.,
E. Isaac, and R.I. Gara. 1998. Impact of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus
ponderosae) infestation on future landscape susceptibility to the
western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) in north central
Washington. Journal of Applied Entomology. 122:239-245.
- Wilson, J.S.
and C.D. Oliver. in press. Stability and density management in Douglas-fir
plantations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
- Zobrist, K.W., Lippke, B.R., Mason, C. L., McCarter, J.B. In Press. Structure-based management tools for providing old forest habitat and economic returns on the Olympic Experimental State Forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
- Zobrist, K.W., and C. L. Mason. 2006. Alternate plans for riparian hardwood conversion: Challenges and opportunities. Pages 145-149 in R.L. Deal and C.A. Harrington, eds. Red alder: A state of knowledge. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-669. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR.
- Zobrist, K.W., Gehringer, K.R., Lippke, B.R. 2005. A sustainable solution for riparian management . Pages 54-62 in R.L. Deal and S.M. White, eds. Understanding Key Issues of Sustainable Wood Production in the Pacific Northwest. General Technical Report PNW-626. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
- Zobrist, K.W., McCarter, J.B., Hanley, D.P. 2004. Inventory Wizard: A new tool that makes it easy to get started with the Landscape Management System . Extension Bulletin EB1983. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press.
Book Chapter/Proceedings
- Boyce, S.G.,
and C.D. Oliver. In press. The history of research in forest ecology
and Silviculture. In (H.K. Steen, editor) The history of forestry
research in the United States. Forest History Society, Durham, North
- Everett, R.,
C. Oliver, J. Saveland, P. Hessburg, N. Diaz, and L. Irwin. 1993.
Adaptive ecosystem management. In: (M.E. Jensen and P.S. Bourgeron,
editors) Eastside Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment. Volume II.
Ecosystem Management: Principles and Applications. USDA Forest Service,
National Forest System, Forest Service Research, Wenatchee, Washington.
- Johnson, C.G.,
R.R. Clausnitzer, P.J. Mehringer, and C.D. Oliver. 1993. Biotic and
abiotic processes of eastside ecosystems: the effects of management
on plant and community ecology, and on stand and landscape vegetationdynamics.
In: (P.F. Hessburg, editor) Eastside Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment.
Volume III. Assessment. USDA Forest Service, National Forest System,
Forest Service Research, Wenatchee, Washington.
- McCarter, J.B., C.E. Nelson, K.R. Ceder, K.W. Zobrist. 2007. The Landscape Management System: Emerging Technology for Integrated Forest Applications. In: Miner, C., R. Jacobs, D. Dykstra, and B. Bittner (Eds.), Proceedings: International Conference on Transfer of Forest Science Knowledge and Technology. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-726. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. p. 169-177.
- McCarter, J.B.
1997. Integrating forest inventory, growth and yield, and computer
visualization into a landscape management system. In: Teck, R., M.
Moeur, and J. Adams (comps.), Proceedings of the Forest Vegetation
Simulator conference. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-373. Ogden, UT. USDA
Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. p. 159-167.
- Moffett, J.L.,
J.E. Besag, S.D. Byers, and W.H. Li. 1997. Probabilistic classification
of forest structures by hierarchical modeling of the remote sensing
process. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Optical
Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation. San Diego, July 27 Aug.
- Oliver, C.D.
1997. Hardwood Forest Management in the United States: Alternatives
for the Future. Paper presented at the symposium entitled: 25
Years of Hardwood Silviculture: A Look Back and a Look Ahead, Twenty-fifth
Annual Hardwood Symposium, Cashiers, North Carolina. May 7-10, 1997.
Sponsored by the National Hardwood Lumber Association, P.O.Box 34518,
Memphis, Tennesssee 38184--0518. (Proceedings to be Published)
- Oliver, C.D.
1997. Managing forest biodiversity: the emerging role of industrial
forests in forest ecosystem management and research. Paper presented
at the conference: Public issues and private forests: the emerging
role of industrial forest ecosystem management, September 15,
1997, hosted by West Virginia University and Westvaco, Westvaco Natural
Resources Center, College of Agriculture and Forestry, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S.A. Proceedings to be published.
- Oliver, C.D.
1996. Passive Versus Active Forest Management. Proceedings: Forest
Policy: Ready for Renaissance, a conference held at the Olympic
Natural Resources Center (Forks), University of Washington. September
16-19, 1996. (Proceedings to be published)
- Oliver, C.D.
1995. Rebuilding biological diversity at the landscape level. In Forest
Health and Fire Danger in Inland Western Forests Proceedings
of a Conference held in Spokane, Washington, September 8-9, 1994.
Proceedings available through Center for International Trade in Forest
Products (CINTRAFOR), College of Forest Resources, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington.
- Oliver, C.D.
1995. An opportunity for ecologically and economically sustained
forests. One-page commentary IN (Americas Forests 1996) 1996
Calendar produced by M. McMurray for the Temperate Forest Foundation,
Beaverton, Oregon.
- Oliver, C.D.
1995. A Portfolio approach to Landscape Management: an Economically,
Ecologically, and Socially Sustainable Approach to Forestry. In:
Bamsey, C.R. (ed.), Innovative Silviculture Systems in Boreal Forests.
Clear Lake Ltd. Edmonton, Alberta. 66-76.
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. Silvicultural opportunities for creating high quality wood
and other values. IN (J.F.Weigand, R.W.Haynes, and J.L.Mikowski,
compilers). High Quality Forestry Workshop: the Idea of Long Rotations.
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington CINTRAFOR SP15:
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. What is wood quality, how is it achieved, and why is it important?
IN (J.F.Weigand, R.W.Haynes, and J.L.Mikowski, compilers). High Quality
Forestry Workshop: the Idea of Long Rotations. College of Forest
Resources, University of Washington CINTRAFOR SP15: 27-35.
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. Ecosystem management in the United States: alternative approaches
and consequences. Proceedings of the Woodlands Section, 75th Annual
Meeting, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. (Held April 5-8, 1994)
Alberta, Canada.
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. Enhancing biodiversity and economic productivity through a
systems approach to silviculture. IN Proceedings of the Fifteenth
Annual Forest Vegetation Management Conference, held January 25-27,
1994. Redding, California.
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. A portfolio approach to landscape management: an economically,
ecologically, and socially sustainable approach to forestry. Proceedings:
Innovative Silvicultural Systems in Boreal Forests A symposium held
October 4-8, 1994. Mayfield, Inn, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Canadian
Forest Service, International Union of Forest Research Organizations,
Canada Alberta. Clear Lake Limited, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: 66-76.
- Oliver, C.D.
1994. Ecosystem and landscape management: how do they affect timber
supply? Paper presented at Timber supply in Canada: Challenges and
Choices Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Conference, held
November 16-18, 1994. Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada. pp. 113-124.
- Oliver, C. D.,
D. R. Berg, D. R. Larsen and K. L. O'Hara. 1992. Integrating management
tools, ecological knowledge, and silviculture. In: (R. Naiman and
editor) New Perspectives for Watershed Management. Springer-Verlag,
New York: 361-382.
- Oliver, C.D.,
M. Boydak, and R. Sedjo. 1998. Deforestation. Chapter in Encyclopedia
of Global Change. Cambridge University Press (In press).
- Oliver, C.D.,
M.Boydak, G.Segura, and B.B.Bare. 1998. Forest organization, management,
and policy. Chapter 17 in (M.L.Hunter, Jr., Editor) Maintaining Biodiversity
in Forest Ecosystems. Oxford University Press.
- Oliver, C.D.,
Larry L. Irwin, and W.H. Knapp. 1993. Eastside forest management
practices: historical overviews, extent of their application, and
their effects on sustainability of ecosystems. In: (P.F. Hessburg,
editor) Eastside Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment. Volume III.
Assessment. USDA Forest Service, National Forest System, Forest Service
Research, Wenatchee, Washington. (Also published as USDA Forest Service,
General Techincal Report, PNW-GTR-324: 74 pp.
- Oliver, C.D.,
W.H. Knapp, and R. Everett. 1993. A system for implementing ecosystem
management. In: (M.E. Jensen and P.S. Bourgeron, editors) Eastside
Forest Ecosystem Health Assessment. Volume II. Ecosystem Management:
Principles and Applications. USDA Forest Service, National Forest
System, Forest Service Research, Wenatchee, Washington.
- Oliver, C.D.,
and B.R.Lippke. 1995. Wood supply and other values and ecosystem
management in western Interior Forests. In Ecosystem Management in
Western Interior Forests. A Symposium held May 3-5, 1994, Spokane,
Washington. Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Proceedings
to be published.
- Oliver, C.D.and
J.B. McCarter. 1996. Developments in decision support for landscape
management. in M. Heit, H.D. Parker, and A Shortreid (eds.), GIS
Applications in Natural Resources 2. GIS World Books. Fort Collins.
p. 501-509.
- Oliver, C.D.,
K.L.OHara, and D.P.Hanley. 1995. Issues and perspectives on
forest pruning. IN (D.P.Hanley, C.D.Oliver, D.Maguire, and R.Fight,
editors). 1995. Pruning Conifers in Northwestern North America: Opportunities,
Techniques, and Impacts. University of Washington, Institute of Forest
Resources Contribution No.77: 3-20.
- Oliver, C.D.,
and M. Twery. 1996. Decision support systems: models and analyses.
Paper to be published in Proceedings of the Ecological Stewardship
Workshop, Tucson, Arizona. USDA Forest Service, December 1995. 60
- Stinson, S. in
press. Uneven-age management in the southern tip of the Puget Trough-
a case study: The Cowlitz Ridge Tree Farm. Proceedings IUFRO 1.14.00
Interdisciplinary Uneven-aged Silviculture Symposium. September 15-19,
1997 Corvalis, Oregon.
- Allison, N. K.
2001. Evaluating silvicultural options for harvesting young-growth
coastal Douglas-fir forests using the forest vegetatin simulator
(FVS) and the landscape management system (LMS). Thesis. University
of Washington.
- Baker, P.J. 2001.
Age structure and stand dynamics of a seasonal tropical forest in
western Thailand. Dissertation. University of Washington.
- Ceder, K. R.
2002. Using silviculture to sustain wildlife habitat: assessing changes
and trade-offs in forest habitats using a habitat evaluation procedure
within the landscape management system. Thesis. University of Washington.
- Comnick, J. M.
2002. Development and application of a descision support tool to
analyze alternatives for landscapes composed of multiple ownerships.
Thesis. University of Washington.
- Cross, J. 2002.
Measuring the impact of harvest intensity on riprian forest functionality
in terms of ahde production and large woody debris recruitment potential:
two models. Thesis. University of Washington.
- Hitchcock, A.J.
1996. Landscape planning on the Harry Osborne Forest. Thesis. University
of Washington.
- Manriquez, A.
C. 2002. Carbon sequestration in the Pacific Northwest: a model.
Thesis. University of Washington.
- Mason, C.L. 1999.
Financial analysis for forest managers. Thesis. University of Washington.
- McCarter, J.B.
2001. Landscape management system (LMS) : background, methods, and
computer tools for integrating forest inventory, GIS, growth and
yield, visualization and analysis for sustaining multiple forest
objectives. Dissertation. University of Washington.
- Moffett, J.L.
1998. A physically based Markov random field model of the remote
sensing process and forest structure classification. Dissertation.
University of Washington.
- Park, P.S. 2001.
Forest stand structure characteristics for the Cispus adaptive management
area, Cascade Range, U.S.A. : implications for old growth, fire hazard,
silviculture, and landscape management. Dissertation. University
of Washington.
- Sherpa, L.N.
1999. The effects of land use on forest structure and composition
in the Nangpa and Hinku Valleys, Nepal. Dissertation. University
of Washington.
- Stinson, S. D.
2000. Silvicultural options for non-industrial forests : a landscape
approach for creating adaptable, habitat based management plans.
Thesis. University of Washington.
- Wilson, J.S.
1998. Wind stability of naturally regenerated and planted Douglas-fir
stands in coastal Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Dissertation.
University of Washington.
- Wimberely, M.C.
1995. Basal area increment response of Douglas-fir and western hemlock
to silvicultural treatments: Comparison of distance-dependent and
distance-independent models. Thesis. University of Washington.
- Zens, M.S. 1995.
Growth and morphological development of Douglas-fir and western hemlock
on forest edges in the Alberni Valley, B.C. Thesis. University of
- Boise Cascade
Corporation. 1996. Forest Ecosystem Management: A Graphic Overview.
Boise Cascade. La Grande. 52p.
- McCarter, J.B.,
J.S. Wilson, P.J. Baker, C. E. Nelson. 1996/1997/1998. Landscape
Management Users Manual, Version 1.5-1.6. Landscape Management
Project. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington. 97
- McKillop, W.,
T. Bonnicksen, C.Oliver, and G. Wood. Report of the California Forest
EIS Review Committee. Committee formed at the request of US Senate
Subcommittee on Forest and Public Land Management and U.S.House Subcommittee
on Forests. 49 pages. Submitted May 21, 1998.
- Oliver, C., D.Adams,
T.Bonnicksen, J.Bowyer, F.Cubbage, N.Sampson, S.Schlarbaum, R. Whaley,
H.Wiant, and J.Sebelius. 1997. Report on Forest Health of the United
States by the Forest Health Science Panel. A panel chartered by Charles
Taylor, Member, United States Congress, 11th District, North Carolina.
Summary: 72 pp. Main document: 334 pp. (Submitted April 7, 1997).
(Available through internet through U.S. House of Representatives
Resources Committee at: http://www.house.gov/resources/105cong/fullcomm/apr09.97/taylor.rpt/taylor.htm)
Also available as reprint through University of Washington College
of Forest Resources CINTRAFOR RE43 (main document) and RE43A (summary).
- Perez-Garcia,
J.P., C.D. Oliver, and B.R.Lippke. 1997. How forests help reduce
carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Report to the Subcommittee
on Forests and Forest Health of the Committee on Resources, United
States House of Representatives. July 7, 1997.
- Sampson, N.R.
and L.A. DeCoster.1998. Forest Health in the United States. American
Forests. Washington, D.C. 76 p.
- A variety of
LMS Case Studies/White Papers are available.
U.S. Senate and Congressional Committee Statements (C.D. Oliver)
- 1997 -- Statement
before the Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives.
A hearing on the management of the National Forest System in the
Pacific Northwest, emergency timber sales, and general issues of
forest health. Bend, Oregon. January 16, 1997
- 1997 -- Statement
before the Committees on Agriculture and Resources (joint hearing)
, United States House of Representatives. A hearing on the national
forest health scientific study convened by Representative Charles
Taylor. Washington, D.C. April 9, 1997.
- 1997 -- Statement
before the Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives.
A hearing on the scientific review of the national forest health
scientific study chartered by Representative Charles Taylor. Washington,
D.C. June 5, 1997.
- 1997 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health of the Committee
on Resources, United States House of Representatives. A hearing on
the relation of forest management and addition of carbon dioxide
to the atmosphere. Washington, D.C. September 18, 1997.
- 1997 -- Statement
before the Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives.
A hearing on H.R. 2515, the Forest Recovery and Protection Act of
1997. October 7, 1997.
- 1995 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Lands of the
Committee on Resources and the Subcommittee on Resource Conservation,
Research, and Forestry of the Committee on Agriculture; United States
House of Representatives: A hearing to investigate the timber salvage
situation on Forest Service and BLM lands. February 10, 1995.
- 1995 -- Statement
before the Task Force on Endangered Species of the Committee on Resources,
United States House of Representatives: A field hearing on the Endangered
Species Act, Vancouver, Washington. April 24, 1995.
- 1993 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on Specialty Crops and Natural Resources,
Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives:
A hearing on H.R. 1164, the Forest Biodiversity and Clearcutting
Prohibition Act of 1993, and review of appropriate criteria, goals,
implementation, and application of ecosystem management on public
lands. October 28, 1993. 13 pp.
- 1993 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry,
and General Legislation; Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and
Forestry; United States Senate: A hearing on the definition and implementation
of ecosystem management. November 9, 1993.
- 1993 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on Specialty Crops and Natural Resources,
Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives:
A field hearing on ecosystems management and the applicability of
new forestry and forest health techniques for forest ecosystems management.
August 20, 1993. Boise, Idaho. 19 pp.
- 1992 -- Statement
before the Subcommittee on Forests, Family Farms, and Energy Committee
on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives: A hearing
to review "High Quality Forestry" and extended timber harvest
rotations. March 11, 1992. Washington, D.C. 26 pp.