Landscape Management System (LMS)





LMS Support Page

Questions about the use of LMS and the reporting of problems with LMS can be directed to

LMS 3.x Support

LMS 2.x Support

Additional Information

Growth Models

LMS uses one of several growth models for predicting how trees change through time. LMS is distributed with support for the FVS and ORGANON growth models.

FVS Information

Growth projections done by LMS when using the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) are done by calling the MS-DOS executable provided by the USDA Forest Service. Visit the FVS Website for additional information and documentation about the FVS growth model.

ORGANON Information

Growth projections done by LMS using the ORGANON model us the OrganonDLL provided by the Organon Growth and Yield Project, College of Forestry, Oregon State University. For more information on ORGANON visit the ORGANON Website.


Page Updated:
May 30, 2011 4:01 AM

University of Washington
College of the Environment

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Yale School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies,
Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry

Cradle of Forestry
in America

USDA Forest Service